The Contractors All Risks Insurance Offers Comprehensive Coverage For All Types Of Civil Construction Risks.
- The coverage for physical loss or damage to property is on an “All Risks” basis, i.e. the policy insures against damage to property in the course of construction by all sudden, accidental and unforeseen causes other than specified excluded perils.
- This cover includes works brought on to the site for the purposes of the contract as well as temporary works erected or constructed on-site.
Add On Covers
- Surrounding property
- Debris removal expenses
- Third party liability
- Escalation costs up to 50%
- Air freight & express freight
- Extended maintenance
- Additional custom duty
- above list is indicative in nature and not exhaustive
The policy is subject to a compulsory excess & depends on the type of construction work.
- War, Invasion, Act of foreign enemy, hostilities or War like operations (whether war be declared or not) Civil War, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, Civil commotion, Military or usurped power, martial law, conspiracy, confiscation, commandeering a group of malicious persons or persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any political organisation, requisition or destruction or damage by order of any Government de jure or defacto or by any Public, Municipal or Local Authority;
- Nuclear reaction, Nuclear radiation or Radioactive contamination
- Willful act or willful negligence of the Insured or of his responsible representative;
- Cessation of work whether total or partial
- Inventory losses
- Manufacturing / design defects
- Consequential loss
Photo Credit : –Image by bearfotos on Freepik